Indiana's Cell Phone-Use & Texting-While-Driving Laws

Read about Indiana’s distracted driving laws and the costs of a violation.

Indiana's distracted driving law generally bans texting while driving and places restrictions on talking on a cell phone for all drivers. This article discusses the specifics of what the law prohibits and the costs and other consequences of a violation.

Indiana's Distracted Driving (Texting and Cell Phones) Laws

Indiana's distracted driving laws broadly prohibit holding or using a "telecommunications device" while operating a moving motor vehicle. For most drivers, the prohibition doesn't apply to device use with hands-free technology. Below, we explained the specifics of the texting and cell phone rules for drivers who are at least 21 years old and drivers who are younger than 21.

Indiana's Texting Rules for Drivers Who Are at Least 21

Indiana's distracted driving law prohibits all motorists from texting and emailing while driving. Generally, the ban includes entering and reading text messages and emails.

However, the texting and email ban doesn't apply to motorists using hands-free or voice-operated technology.

Indiana's Texting Rules for Drivers Who Are Under 21

For drivers who are younger than 21 years old, texting and emailing while driving is prohibited with no exceptions for hands-free or voice-operated technology.

Indiana's Cell Phone Rules for Drivers Who Are at Least 21

For most Indiana motorists, talking on a cell phone while driving is allowed so long as the motorist is using hands-free or voice-operated technology.

Indiana's Cell Phone Rules Drivers Who Are Under 21

Drivers who are younger than 21 years old, can't talk on the phone while driving regardless of whether they're using hands-free or voice-operated devices.

The only exception to this ban is for making 9-1-1 calls.

Penalties for Distracted Driving Violations in Indiana

Generally, a person who admits a violation (either by mailing a payment or appearing in court) is looking at a maximum $35.50 fine.

However, if you contest a violation and lose, the maximum fine amount depends on your record. If it's your first violation within five years, the maximum fine is $35.50. But if you have one prior violation within the past five years, the maximum is $250.50. And if you‘ve been convicted of two or more violations within the past five years, you can be fined up to $500.

Points for Distracted Driving Tickets in Indiana

A texting or cell phone violation will also add four demerit points to a motorist's driving record. Accumulating too many points can lead to license suspension. However, a driver can get a four-point credit by completing a driver safety program.

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