Georgia Super Speeder Tickets

Excessive speeding in Georgia can lead to an expensive super speeder citation.

Like most other states, Georgia has maximum speed limits and a basic speed law that requires motorists to always drive at a reasonable and safe speed. And drivers who are convicted of speeding typically face fines and demerit points on their driving record.

But Georgia also has a "super speeder" law that imposes additional penalties for excessive speeding. Here's how this law works.

Georgia's Super Speeder Law Law and Penalties

Georgia's super speeder law targets excessive speeding.

What Is Considered a Super Speeder Violation?

In Georgia, you can get a super speeder ticket if you're caught going at least:

  • 85 miles per hour on any road or highway, or
  • 75 miles per hour on any two-lane road or highway.

So, if you want to avoid a super speeder violation and the penalties that come with it, at least stay under these speeds.

How Much Will a Super Speeder Ticket Cost in Georgia?

A super speeder conviction results in a $200 fee on top of the normal speeding fine. So the total amount with the normal fine and the super speed fee will be a maximum of:

  • $200 for exceeding the limit by five miles per hour or less
  • $225 for exceeding the limit by more than five but not more than ten miles per hour
  • $300 for exceeding the limit by more than ten but not more than 14 miles per hour
  • $325 for exceeding the limit by more than 14 but less than 19 miles per hour
  • $350 for exceeding the limit by at least 19 but less than 24 miles per hour, and
  • $700 for exceeding the limit by at least 24 but less than 34 miles per hour.

Keep in mind, that other fees the judge imposes can increase the total amount a driver has to pay for a super speeder ticket.

Super Speeder Late Fees

Drivers who fail to pay the super speeder fee on time (within about 120 days) face license suspension and an additional $50 fee.

How Many Points for a Georgia Super Speeder Ticket?

Generally, the number of points you'll face for any speeding ticket depends on the amount by which you exceeded the speed limit. The point amounts are:

  • 2 points for exceeding the limit by 15 to 18 miles per hour
  • 3 points for exceeding the limit by 19 to 23 miles per hour
  • 4 points for exceeding the limit by 24 to 33 miles per hour, and
  • 6 points for exceeding the limit by at least 34 miles per hour.

When you acquire at least 15 points within 24 months, you'll face license suspension.

Is a Super Speeder Ticket a Felony?

A super speeder ticket is a misdemeanor, not a felony.

Fighting a Georgia Super Speeder Ticket

With the consequences of a super speeding ticket being so severe, it might be worth talking to a traffic attorney about fighting the ticket.

The defenses that are available in a speeding ticket case differ depending on the circumstances. However, viable defenses often involve disputing the accuracy of the device (radar, LIDAR, or VASCAR) the officer used to clock your speed. A local traffic attorney—who knows how things work in your area—will be best suited to know how to go about putting together this type of defense.

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