Driving Without a Valid (or on a Suspended) License in Wyoming

Read about the penalties for unlicensed driving in Wyoming.

Like all states, Wyoming issues driver's licenses to its residents for highway vehicle operation. Driving without a license or with a suspended or revoked license in Wyoming can result in fines, jail, and further suspension. This article explains the different types of violations and the possible consequences for unlicensed driving.

Driving Without a License in Wyoming

Wyoming requires any person with physical control of a motor vehicle on a highway to possess a valid driver's license. Physical control does not always require movement or a running engine. The penalties for violations vary depending on why the driver is unlicensed. (Wyo. Stat. Ann. § 31-7-106.)

Penalties for Unlicensed Driving in Wyoming

Driving a motor vehicle while never having been issued a license is a misdemeanor and usually carries a fine of around $150. Repeated violations may result in license suspension.

Penalties for Driving Without a Valid Wyoming License in Your Possession

A driver who has a license but was not carrying it while driving will also be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined around $150. However, the charge will be dismissed if the driver presents a then-valid license to law enforcement or to the court.

Exceptions to Wyoming's Driver's License Requirement

Certain people, such as government employees in government vehicles, may be exempt from licensing requirements. Additionally, non-resident drivers with valid driver's licenses from their home state or country can drive in Wyoming without an in-state license. Special rules also apply to military personnel and students.

Driving While Suspended or Revoked in Wyoming

A driver who has lost driving privileges due to suspension or revocation will be subject to increased penalties for illegal operation.

Penalties for Driving While Suspended in Wyoming

Driving while suspended or revoked is generally a misdemeanor. A violator can face up to $750 in fines and a maximum six months in jail. A second offense that occurs during a single suspension period will result in a minimum seven days in jail and a minimum $200 fine.

Penalties for Driving While Suspended for DUI in Wyoming

A driver who was suspended for impaired driving can be convicted of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of up to $750 and a maximum of six months in jail. However, these offenders are required to serve at least seven days in jail prior to release and must pay a minimum $200 fine.

Wyoming's Underage Penalties for Driving While Suspended

A Wyoming driver who's under the age of 21 years old can be suspended if convicted for driving after consuming alcohol. If the driver violates the suspension, he or she will be subject to the same penalties as drivers who are under the age of 21 but will serve an additional 30 days of suspension instead of jail time.

Talk to a Wyoming Defense Attorney

The penalties you'll face for unlicensed driving in Wyoming are serious. If you're facing this type of charge, you should talk to a defense attorney. A qualified defense lawyer can advise you on the law and help you decide on the best course of action.

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