Mississippi’s Cell Phone-Use & Texting-While-Driving Laws

Read about Mississippi’s distracted driving law and the costs of a violation.

Mississippi's distracted driving law prohibits all motorists from text messaging while operating a vehicle. This article covers the specifics of the law and the costs of a texting ticket.

Mississippi's Distracted Driving Law

Compared to most other states, Mississippi's distracted driving law is fairly lenient. Below we explain what the law prohibits.

Mississippi ProhibitsText Messaging and Other Electronic Device Use While Driving

Mississippi's distracted driving law prohibits all motorists from driving while using a handheld mobile telephone or portable electronic device to:

  • write, send, or read a text message, or
  • access, read, or post to a social network site.

Text message. For purposes of the distracted driving law, a "text message" includes instant messages, email, and regular text messages.

Exceptions. Mississippi's texting ban doesn't apply to:

  • hands-free or voice-operated device use
  • emergency, traffic, and weather alerts, or
  • messages related to the operation or navigation of the vehicle.

Mississippi Law Doesn't Prohibit Talking on a Cell Phone While Driving

Mississippi currently has no restrictions on making or receiving calls or talking on a phone while driving.

Fines for Texting While Driving in Mississippi

A texting ticket carries a $100 fine in Mississippi.

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