New Hampshire’s Teen Driver’s License and Insurance Requirements

Learn about the requirements for teens to obtain a driver’s license in New Hampshire and what insurance is required.

New Hampshire is one of the few states that does not issue an instruction permit before issuing a driver's license. However, there are still requirements and restrictions specific to teen driver's licenses.

New Hampshire's Instruction Period for Teen Drivers

Teens who are at least 15 and a half years old are permitted to practice driving as long as he or she is supervised by a parent, guardian, certified driving instructor, or other licensed adult at who's least 25 years old. The supervising adult will be liable for any violations or neglect of the teen driver. No test, permit, or certification is required for the teen to drive. But the teen must carry proof of age. (N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 263:25 (2024).)

New Hampshire's Youth Operator License

Persons who are 16 to 21 years old can apply for a driver's license referred to as a "youth operator's license." Applicants must provide proof of residency and identity. Applicants must also pass a vision exam and written test covering state traffic laws. The license will be valid until the holder's 21st birthday. (N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 263:14 (2024).)

Under 18 applicants. Applicants who are younger than 18 years old must also have parental consent and a driver's education completion certification to obtain an operator's license. Driver's education is often provided by public schools and must include 30 hours of class time, ten hours of behind-the-wheel training, and six hours of driving observation. To be eligible for an operator's license, minor drivers must also provide a driving log indicating 40 hours of supervised driving time, including 10 hours of nighttime driving.

Teens who have no access to driver's education and no transportation other than driving themselves can be excused from the driver's education requirement.

Under 18 restrictions. Minor drivers are prohibited from driving between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m. For the first six months of licensure, the teen can transport only one non-family member passenger who's under 25 years old. This requirement is waived if the driver is supervised (in the front seat) by a licensed adult who's at least 25 years old. At no time can a teen driver transport more passengers than there are available seatbelts.

Violation of these restrictions will result in:

  • a maximum $100 fine and up to 30-day license suspension for a first offense, and
  • a maximum $200 fine and up to 90-day license suspension for a subsequent offense.

Under 20 restrictions. Commission of any traffic offense (excluding seatbelt violations) by a person who's under 20 years old will result in a:

  • 30-day suspension for a first offense
  • 45-day suspension for a second offense, and
  • 90-day suspension for a third offense.

New Hampshire's Insurance Requirements for Drivers

New Hampshire is one of the few states that does not require liability insurance. However, carrying liability insurance can help prevent certain penalties.

Violations that require proof of financial responsibility. The Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will suspend the license and registration of any person who causes a vehicle accident until all judgments are satisfied or until proof of financial security is shown. The DMV can also suspend a driver's license or vehicle registration for any of the following violations:

The suspension and revocation will continue until proof of financial security is shown. Persons already carrying satisfactory proof of financial security may be exempt from these penalties. (N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 264:2 (2024).)

Proof of financial security. New Hampshire defines financial security to include at least $25,000 bodily injury per person, $50,000 bodily injury per accident, and $25,000 property damage per accident. (N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 264:20 (2024).)

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