Virginia’s Teen Driver’s License and Insurance Requirements

Learn about the requirements for teens to obtain a driver’s license in Virginia and what insurance is required.

Virginia uses a graduated license system to promote teens from a learner's permit to a provisional license before issuing an unrestricted license. Below, we explain how this process works and the type of insurance you need once you get a license and start driving

How Do I Get a Learner's Permit to Start Driving in Virginia?

At age 15 and a half, a teen can apply for a Virginia learner's permit. Here are the specific requirements for getting a permit and the restrictions that apply to permit holders. (Va. Code Ann. § 46.2-335 (2024).)

Requirements for Getting a Learner's Permit

A learner's permit application must include:

  • parental consent (the parent can withdraw consent and cancel the license at any time)
  • proof of residency
  • name, address, and social security number
  • release of attendance records signed by a parent
  • certification of a driver's education course completion
  • documentation of current school enrolment, and
  • application fees.

Once the application is approved, the teen can take the vision exam and written test covering state traffic laws to obtain a learner's permit.

What You Can Do With a Learner's Permit

The learner's permit authorizes the holder to drive from 4 a.m. to midnight only under the supervision of a licensed adult who's at least 21 years old or an adult family member. The holder can transport only one non-family member under 21 years old.

No learner's permit holder is allowed to use a cell phone or wireless device while driving.

Learner's Permit Violations

Violation of any restriction is a class 2 misdemeanor, punishable by three demerit points, up to six months in jail and up to $1,000 in fines.

Who Qualifies for a Virginia Provisional Driver's License?

Until a driver turns 18, their license is considered a provisional. Below, we explain all the requirements and restrictions of provisional licenses. (Va. Code Ann. § 46.2-334 (2024).)

Requisites for a Provisional Driver's License

This provisional license is available to persons who are at least 16 years and three months old and have held a learner's permit for at least nine months. Applicants must show completion of 45 hours of supervised driving time (including 15 nighttime hours) before taking the driving test. After passing the driving test and showing current school enrolment, the teen will be issued a provisional license.

Provisional License Restrictions

Hours. The provisional license permits the holder to drive unsupervised from 4 a.m. to midnight. The teen may drive after hours only for work, school, or religious activities or if supervised by a licensed adult.

Passengers. The driver can only carry one passenger under 21 years old for the first year. After the first year, the holder can transport up to three passengers under 21 years old if going to a school function or if supervised by a licensed driver who's at least 21 years old. This restriction does not apply to family member and cohabitant passengers.

Cell phones and school attendance. Provisional license holders are prohibited from using cell phones while driving and must maintain school attendance. Ten unexcused absences will result in license suspension.

Penalties for Provisional License Violations

A violation of any restrictions is a traffic infraction, and for a second offense, will result in up to six months of license suspension.

A violation of any traffic offense that warrants demerit points will also require the driver to complete a driver improvement clinic. A second traffic offense will result in a 90-day suspension. And a third violation will result in license revocation until the teen turns 18.

When Can I Get a Full, Unrestricted Driver's License in Virgnia?

Once you turn 18, your provisional license will become a full unrestricted driver's license. In other words, the restrictions for minor drivers will no longer apply.

What Are Virginia's Minimum Car Insurance Requirements?

Virginia doesn't technically require motor vehicle insurance. Instead, registration of a motor vehicle requires payment of a $500 uninsured vehicle fee or proof of liability insurance that includes:

  • at least $30,000 coverage per person for personal injury or death
  • at least $60,000 coverage per accident for personal injury or death, and
  • at least $20,000 coverage per accident for property damage.

Persons who drive a motor vehicle without proof of liability insurance or payment of the uninsured vehicle fee are guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor. A conviction carries a fine of up to $500. (Va. Code Ann. § 46.2-472 (2024); Va. Code Ann. § 46.2-706 (2024); Va. Code Ann. § 46.2-707 (2024).)

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