Wisconsin’s Teen Driver’s License and Insurance Requirements

Learn about the requirements for teens to obtain a driver’s license in Wisconsin and what insurance is required.

To become fully licensed drivers, Wisconsin teens ordinarily must first obtain an instruction permit followed by a probationary license.

How Do I Get an Instruction Permit to Start Driving in Wisconsin?

The first step to getting a Wisconsin license is obtaining an instruction permit. The requirements and restrictions for permits are discussed below. (Wis. Stat. Ann. § 343.07 (2024).)

Requirements for Getting an Instruction Permit

At 15 and a half, a teen can take a written test and vision exam at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to obtain an instruction permit. The application for an instruction permit must include proof of identification, proof of residency, a copy of the applicant's social security card, and a certificate of enrollment in a driver's education program. A parent or guardian who will be responsible for any negligence of the teen must sign the application. This adult must also certify that the teen is enrolled (and not truant) in school. At any point, the signing adult can withdraw consent and notify the DMV to cancel the teen's license.

What You Can Do With an Instruction Permit

The instruction permit allows the holder to drive during daylight hours while supervised from the front seat by an "eligible adult." An eligible adult must be at least 19 years old, have at least two years of driving experience, and be:

  • a licensed driving instructor
  • the driver's parent
  • the driver's spouse, or
  • a responsible, licensed adult who's at least 21 years old.

Instruction permit holders can drive after dark only if supervised by a driving instructor or licensed adult who's at least 25 years old.

Permit Restrictions and Violation Penalties

Permit holders are generally prohibited from carrying any other passengers. However, when supervised by a driving instructor in a dual-control vehicle, up to three other passengers can ride in the vehicle. And when a teen driver is supervised by a parent or spouse, an immediate family members can ride along. After turning 16, the teen can transport passengers while supervised by a licensed adult who's at least 25 years old. All passengers in the vehicle must have seat belts.

Any restriction violation will result in a forfeiture of up to $50 for a first offense. Subsequent offenses result in a forfeiture of $50 to $100.

Who Qualifies for a Wisconsin Probationary Driver's License?

The second phase of Wisconsin's licensing process involves getting a probationary license. Here are the details. (Wis. Stat. Ann. § 343.085 (2024).)

Requirements for Getting a Probationary License

After completing driver's education and holding an instruction permit for at least six months without any moving violations, a 16-year-old can apply for a probationary license. The application must include a driving log signed by a parent certifying the completion of 30 hours of supervised driving time (including 10 nighttime hours). Parental consent and school enrollment are still required. With all these requirements satisfied, the teen can take the driving test to obtain a probationary license.

Probationary License Restrictions and Violation Penalties

For the first nine months of holding a probationary license, the driver can't drive between midnight and 5 a.m. unless supervised by an eligible adult or while driving to or from work, school, or home. During this time period, the teen can carry only one passenger, not including family members or supervising eligible adults.

Any violation of these restrictions will result in a $50 forfeiture and three traffic violation demerit points. Subsequent offenses carry a $50 to $100 forfeiture and six demerit points. The nine-month waiting period will also be extended six months for each restriction or moving violation.

License restriction violations can also result in misdemeanor charges. A misdemeanor conviction carries fines of up to $500 and a maximum of six months in jail, depending on the number of prior offenses.

When Does a Wisconsin Probationary License Turn Into an Unrestricted Driver's License?

After holding a probationary license for at least nine months or when the teen turns 18 years old, the probationary restrictions are lifted.

What Are Wisconsin's Restrictions on Cell Phones for Teen Drivers?

All instruction permit and probationary license holders are prohibited from using a cell phone while driving. A violation leads to a $20 to $40 forfeiture and four demerit points. A subsequent offense carries a forfeiture of $50 to $100 and eight demerit points. (Wis. Stat. Ann. § 346.89 (2024); Wis. Stat. Ann. § 346.95 (2024).)

What Are Wisconsin's Minimum Car Insurance Coverage Requirements?

In Wisconsin, all vehicles must be properly insured. In Wisconsin, the liability coverage must include at least $25,000 bodily injury per person, $50,000 bodily injury per accident, and $10,000 property damage per accident. (Wis. Stat. Ann. § 344.62 (2024).)

Failure to provide and display valid insurance can result in a forfeiture of up to $500. (Wis. Stat. Ann. § 344.65 (2024).)

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