Kansas’s Teen Driver’s License and Insurance Requirements

Learn about the requirements for teens to obtain a driver’s license in Kansas and what insurance is required.

In Kansas, there are different paths for young drivers to obtain a license depending on their age, experience, and purpose for driving.

How Does a Teen Driver Get a Driver's License in Kansas?

Kansas has a graduated licensing program for teenagers who are younger than 17. They generally must complete the following licensing steps to get a full driver's license.

  • Step one: Instruction permit.
  • Step two: Restricted license.
  • Step three: Less restricted license.
  • Step four: Full driver's license.

Kansas also has a special graduated licensing program for teenagers who live or work on a farm (see below). The instruction permit and farm permit programs have their own requirements and restrictions. At age 17, teens who have completed each step can obtain a full driver's license.

Learner's Permits in Kansas

Beginning at 14 years old, with parent approval, a person can obtain an instruction permit to drive with an adult's supervision.

How Do You Get a Learner's Permit in Kansas?

A person between the ages of 14 and 17 can apply for an instruction permit (sometimes called a "learner's permit") at the Kansas Department of Revenue Division of Vehicles. If you are 14 or 15, you'll need permission from a parent or guardian to apply for the permit. (Kan. Stat. § 8-2,100 (2024).)

The applicant must:

  • provide proof of identity (see the list of acceptable documents)
  • pass a vision test, and
  • pass a written test or provide proof of completing a driver education course.

(Kan. Stat. §§ 8-235c, 8-235d, 8-240 (2024).)

What Are the Driving Restrictions for a Learner's Permit?

An instruction permit allows the licensee to drive in Kansas as long as a licensed adult who's at least 21 years old is in the front seat at all times. Anyone driving with an instruction permit is prohibited from using wireless devices while operating a vehicle. The motorist must hold the instruction permit for one year before advancing to a restricted license. (Kan. Stat. §§ 8-2,100, 8-2,101 (2024).)

If you obtain an instruction permit when you are 17 or older, you still are required to ride with a licensed adult who's at least 21 years, but you aren't subject to the cell phone restriction. (Kan. Stat. § 8-239 (2024).)

Restricted Licenses in Kansas—Age 15

With parental approval, a 15-year-old with an instruction permit can obtain a restricted driver's license. This license allows young drivers to drive without adult supervision but with specific restrictions (see below). (Kan. Stat. § 8-2,101 (2024).)

How Do You Get a Restricted License in Kansas at Age 15?

To obtain a restricted license, the applicant must have an instruction permit for at least one year. The applicant also must:

  • provide proof of identity (see the list of acceptable documents)
  • pass another vision test
  • complete a driver education course, and
  • complete 25 hours of driving time with supervision by an adult who is at least 21.

(Kan. Stat. §§ 8-235d, 8-240, 8-2,101 (2024).)

What Are the Driving Restrictions for a Restricted License?

The 15 year-old driver can drive anywhere at any time with the supervision of a licensed adult. But the teen driver can drive alone only under the following circumstances:

  • to or from work
  • to or from school, and
  • to or from a religious activity between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m.

The teen driver still can't use a cell phone while driving and isn't allowed to transport non-sibling minors. (Kan. Stat. § 8-2,101 (2024).)

Less Restricted Licenses in Kansas—Age 16

At age 16, a teen driver can obtain a restricted license with fewer restrictions.

How Do You Get a Less Restricted License in Kansas at Age 16?

A 16 year-old driver who obtained a restricted license at age 15 and has a good driving record will move to a less restricted license after providing an affidavit showing 50 hours of supervised driving, including 10 hours at night. (Kan. Stat. § 8-2,101 (2024).)

If a 16-year-old doesn't already have a restricted license, they must have an instruction permit for one year to qualify for a less restricted license. The applicant also must:

  • provide proof of identity (see the list of acceptable documents)
  • pass another vision test
  • pass a written test
  • pass a driving test or provide proof of completing a driver education course
  • complete 50 hours of driving time—including 10 hours at night—supervised by an adult who is at least 21.

(Kan. Stat. §§ 8-235c, 8-235d, 8-240, 8-2,101 (2024).)

What Are the Driving Restrictions for a Less Restricted License?

The less-restricted license allows the motorist to drive without an adult:

  • anywhere from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m., and
  • to and from work, school, and religious activities at any time.

The teen driver still can't use a cell phone while driving but can transport one non-sibling minor. (Kan. Stat. § 8-2,101 (2024).)

Farm Permits in Kansas

In Kansas, minors who live or work on a farm are permitted to have a restricted license to get to and from school and the farm.

Kansas Farm Permit

To apply for a farm permit, the minor must be 14 years old and must have a parental approval. The applicant also must submit a farm affidavit to confirm that the permit will be used for farm work. The applicant must take a written exam, vision test, and a driving test or driver education. The teen driver can drive anywhere at any time with a licensed adult. (Kan. Stat. § 8-296 (2024).)

If not supervised by an adult, the licensee can't transport non-sibling minors and can drive only to and from school or farm work. The teen driver also can't use a cell phone while driving. (Kan. Stat. § 8-296 (2024).)

Less Restricted Farm Permit in Kansas

Once the minor turns 16 years old and completes 50 verified hours of supervised driving (by an adult who is at least 21), including 10 hours at night, the farm permit authorizes the holder to drive:

  • anywhere from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m., and
  • to and from farm work or any school or religious activities at any time.

For 16-year-olds, the cell phone restriction still applies but transporting one non-sibling passenger is allowed. And a 16 year-old driver still can drive anywhere when accompanied by a licensed adult. (Kan. Stat. § 8-296 (2024).)

Non-Restricted (Full) Driver's License in Kansas

After holding a less-restricted license for at least six months, a 16 year-old driver is no longer subject to the limitations of a restricted license and can apply for a non-restricted license without having to do any further testing. (Kan. Stat. § 8-2,101 (2024).)

Anyone who's at least 17 years old doesn't need to obtain a restricted license before applying for a full license. After completion of the vision, written, and driving test (or driver's education), a person who is 18 or older is entitled to a non-restricted (full) driver's license. However, anyone who's under 18 needs to show completion of 50 hours of supervised driving before testing for a full license. (Kan. Stat. § 8-235d (2024).)

Do Permit Drivers Need Insurance in Kansas?

Before any driver can operate a vehicle in Kansas, the vehicle must be properly insured. When your teenager begins driving, contact your insurance company to have your teen added to your insurance policy.

In Kansas, the mandatory insurance requirements are:

  • Liability coverage. Must include at least $25,000 bodily injury per person, $50,000 bodily injury per accident, and $25,000 property damage per accident.
  • Personal injury protection. Must include at least $4,500 for medical expenses, $900 per month for disability/loss of income, $25 per day for in-home services, $2,000 for funeral expense, and $4,500 for rehabilitation.
  • Uninsured/Underinsured coverage. Must include at least $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident.

(Kan. Stat. §§ 40-3103, 40-3107, 40-3109 (2024).)

Failure to provide and display valid insurance is a class B misdemeanor and can result in up to six months in jail and a $300 to $1,000 fine. Subsequent convictions will have increased jail time, increased fines, and possible license suspension. (Kan. Stat. § 40-3104 (2024).)

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