Michigan’s Teen Driver’s License and Insurance Requirements

Learn about the requirements for teens to obtain a driver’s license in Michigan and what insurance is required.

Michigan uses a graduated license system and several levels of driver's education to issue learner's permits, intermediate licenses, and unrestricted licenses to teens.

What Is Michigan's Graduated License Program?

Teen drivers who are at least 14 years and 8 months old are eligible to begin Michigan's graduated driver's license program. This program is similar to other graduated license programs across the United States and helps limit high-risk driving situations for the teen driver while increasing parental involvement and supervision.

Michigan's graduated driver's license program has three levels:

  • Level one license (learner's permit).
  • Level two license (intermediate license).
  • Level three license (full driver's license).

Michigan teens who want to obtain a driver's license must first complete the level one and level two license requirements. Below we explain the requirements and restrictions for each type of license.

Learner's Permit Requirements

A level one driver's license (sometimes called a "learner's permit") allows teens to gain experience driving with adult supervision.

How Do You Get a Learner's Permit in Michigan?

Beginning at age 14 years, 8 months, a teen can begin the licensing process by starting segment one of a state-approved driver's education program. (Mich. Comp. Laws § 256.653 (2024).)

At age 14 years, 9 months, a teen can apply for a level one license if the teen has completed segment one of driver's education and passed a written exam on traffic signs and laws. Segment one includes 6 hours of road time, 4 hours of behind-the-wheel observation time, and 24 hours of classroom instruction. (Mich. Comp. Laws §§ 256.657, 257.310e (2024).)

The teen must apply for a level one license at a local office of the Michigan Secretary of State. The application must be signed by a parent or guardian and will include a vision test. (Mich. Comp. Laws §§ 257.308, 257.310e (2024).)

What Are the Driving Restrictions for a Learner's Permit?

The level one license allows the holder to operate a vehicle only under the direct supervision of a parent, guardian, or licensed adult who's at least 21 years old and has parental consent to supervise. As discussed below, a teen driver must complete 50 hours of supervised driving, including 10 hours at night, before obtaining a level two license. (Mich. Comp. Laws § 257.310e (2024).)

Level Two Driver's License Requirements

A teen must be at least 16 years old before obtaining a level two driver's license. The level two driver's license allows the motorist to drive without an adult subject to some restrictions. (Mich. Comp. Laws § 257.310e (2024).)

How Do You Get a Level Two License in Michigan?

To be eligible for a level two license, the teen must have held a level one license for at least six months and must have completed 50 hours (including ten nighttime hours) of supervised driving time. A driver can't have any moving violations or car accidents for the previous 90 days to be eligible for a level two license. A teen also must complete segment two of driver's education and a road test. (Mich. Comp. Laws § 257.310e (2024).)

To take segment two of driver's education, a teen must have held a level one license for at least 90 days and must have registered at least 30 of the required 50 hours of supervised driving time (two of which must have been at night). Segment two of driver's education consists of at least six hours of classroom time and a written exam. (Mich. Comp. Laws §§ 256.659, 256.663 (2024).)

Teens who have completed 50 hours of supervised driving (including 10 hours at night) may take the driving test to obtain a level two license. Driving tests are conducted by private companies authorized by the Michigan Secretary of State. The Secretary of State has a study guide available for teens and parents to prepare for the driving test. (Mich. Comp. Laws § 257.310e (2024).)

After passing the driving test, a teen's license generally will be automatically upgraded to a level two license, so another visit to the Secretary of State usually isn't required.

What Are the Driving Restrictions for a Level Two License?

Level two license holders can't drive between the hours of 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. unless supervised by a parent (or parent-authorized licensed adult who's at least 21 years old) or traveling for work, a school-sanctioned activity, or an authorized activity. (Mich. Comp. Laws § 257.310e (2024).)

Level two license holders are also limited to only one passenger who's under 21 years old. This restriction is waived for family members under 21 years old or when supervised by a parent, guardian, or parent-authorized licensed adult who's at least 21 years old. The passenger restriction doesn't apply if the teen is traveling for work, a school-sanctioned activity, or an authorized activity. (Mich. Comp. Laws § 257.310e (2024).)

What Are the Penalties for Graduated License Violations?

Level one and level two driver's license holders who violate driving restrictions will be subject to a civil infraction, a fine of up to $100, and a 12-month extension of the period that the teen must have a level one or level two license. (Mich. Comp. Laws §§ 257.310e, 257.907 (2024).)

When Can a Teen Get a Level Three Driver's License?

After holding a level two license for at least six months (and being free of any tickets, at-fault accidents, violations of license restrictions, or suspensions for 12 months) a driver who's at least 17 years is eligible for a level three license. (Mich. Comp. Laws § 257.310e (2024).)

However, all new licenses are subject to a three-year probationary period. During this period, the accumulation of license points, traffic tickets, or serious moving violations can result in suspension. Other violations can require the licensee to retake the driving test and might extend the probationary period. (Mich. Comp. Laws § 257.310d (2024).)

Do Permit Drivers Need Insurance in Michigan?

Before any driver can lawfully operate a vehicle in Michigan, the vehicle must be properly insured. Parents or guardians of a teen driver should call their insurer when the teen begins driving to make sure they're covered if their teen gets into an accident.

Michigan is considered a no-fault state, indicating it requires specific insurance that covers all persons involved in an accident.

  • Liability coverage. The policy must include at least $50,000 bodily injury per person, $100,000 bodily injury per accident, and $10,000 property damage coverage per accident.
  • Personal injury protection (PIP). The required PIP coverage applies to many different circumstances including lost wages and driver medical expenses.

(Mich. Comp. Laws §§ 500.3009, 500.3101, 500.3114 (2024).)

Failure to show proof of valid insurance is a civil infraction that can result in a fine of up to $100 and a license suspension. However, if proof of insurance is provided before the court date, the infraction will be dismissed and a $25 court fee will be assessed. (Mich. Comp. Laws §§ 257.328, 257.907 (2024).)

Driving without proper insurance is a misdemeanor punishable by a $200 to $500 fine, up to one year in jail, or both. Convicted persons are prohibited from renewing vehicle registration and are subject to driver's license suspension until valid proof of insurance is shown. (Mich. Comp. Laws §§ 257.227, 257.328, 500.3102 (2024).)

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