Wyoming’s Cell Phone-Use & Texting-While-Driving Laws

Read about Wyoming’s distracted driving law and the costs of a violation.

Wyoming's distracted driving law prohibits all motorists from text messaging while operating a vehicle. This article covers the specifics of the law and the costs of a texting ticket.

Wyoming's Distracted Driving (Cell Phones and Texting) Law

Wyoming's distracted driving law doesn't restrict the use of cell phones while driving. However, the law prohibits all motorists from using a handheld wireless communication device to write, send, or read a text-based communication.

Exceptions to Wyoming's Texting-While-Driving Rule

Wyoming's texting ban doesn't apply to:

  • hands-free or voice-operated device use
  • reading, writing, selecting, or entering a number or name for the purpose of receiving or making a call
  • persons operating emergency response vehicles in the performance of official duties, and
  • device use to contact an emergency response vehicle.

Penalties for Texting Tickets in Wyoming

A texting violation is a misdemeanor in Wyoming and generally carries a maximum fine of $75.

Depending on the circumstances, a texting violation could also lead to a reckless or careless driving conviction. And if a texting offense results in the death of another person, "homicide by vehicle" charges are a possibility.

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