Kentucky’s Traffic Violation Point System

How Kentucky’s demerit point system works and the consequences of building up too many points.

To keep highways safe, Kentucky uses a demerit point system to identify habitually reckless and negligent drivers. This article explains Kentucky's traffic violation point system and the consequences of racking up too many points on your record.

How Does Kentucky's Traffic Ticket Point System Work?

All moving violation convictions are recorded by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KTC). The KTC then assigns a certain number of points to the driver's record. The more serious the offense, the more points the KTC assesses (see chart below).

Kentucky drivers who accumulate too many points will receive a warning letter first. But if the driver continues to rack up points, license suspension will follow.

Fortunately for drivers, points eventually expire (see explanation below).

Warning Letters and License Suspension for Traffic Ticket Points in Kentucky

In Kentucky, getting too many points can result in warning letters, license suspension, and probation.

Warning Letter for Traffic Ticket Points in Kentucky

Drivers who are at least 18. The KTC is authorized to suspend the license of any driver who accumulates 12 points within two years. However, the KTC will generally issue a warning letter after six points, informing the driver of the current point total and the penalties for future violations.

Drivers under 18 years old. Minor drivers will normally receive a warning letter but can be suspended after receiving only seven points in two years. Receiving points will also delay the driver's ability to progress under Kentucky's graduated license system.

License Suspension for Traffic Violation Points in Kentucky

After reaching at least 12 points (or seven if underage), the driver's license will be suspended based on the number of prior suspensions within the last two years.

  • No prior suspensions. A driver with no prior suspensions will be suspended for 90 days to six months.
  • One prior suspension. A driver with one prior suspension will be suspended for one year.
  • Two or more prior suspensions. A driver with at least two prior suspensions will be suspended for two years.

Points are not erased after the suspension. So, additional violations after a suspension can result in additional suspension periods. These suspension periods run concurrently (back-to-back).

Probation Following a Point Suspension in Kentucky

The probation period will be twice the length of the proposed suspension period. During probation, the driver must complete an approved driver improvement clinic and avoid moving violations. Moving violations or failure to complete the clinic will result in probation revocation and license suspension. Probation is not available for learner-permit drivers or drivers who have participated in license probation in the last two years.

How Long Do Traffic Violation Points Stay on Your Kentucky Driving Record?

Kentucky points cannot be removed or waived but do expire after two years.

Points Values for Traffic Violations in Kentucky

Kentucky assigns the following point values for each traffic violation listed below.


Points Assessed

Speeding 15 or less miles per hour over limit


Speeding 16 or more miles per hour over limit


Failure to stop for school bus


Improper passing


Reckless driving


Driving on the wrong side of road


Following too closely


Failure to yield to emergency vehicle


Changing drivers in moving vehicle


Vehicle not under control


Failure to stop at sign or light


Failure to yield


Wrong way on one-way street


Driving too fast for conditions


Driving too slow for conditions


Careless driving


Improper lane usage


Headlight violation


Texting while driving


If a driver is convicted of multiple violations in the same incident, six points will be assessed. Also, out-of-state convictions (other than speeding) can result in a point assessment.

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