Maine's Speeding Laws and Ticket Penalties

Maine's speed limits and the consequences of getting a speeding ticket.

Most Maine drivers will, at some point, get a speeding ticket. This article explains how Maine's speed limits work and the penalties for a speeding violation.

How Do Maine's Speed Limit Laws Work?

Like most other states, Maine has two types of speeding laws: "absolute speeding limits" and a "basic speeding law." Below, we explain how these two speed limits differ. (Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 29-A, § 2074 (2024).)

Maine's Basic Speeding Law

Maine's basic speeding law requires motorists to drive at a "careful and prudent speed not greater than is reasonable and proper having due regard to the traffic, surface and width of the way and of other conditions then existing."

Maine's Absolute (Maximum) Speed Limits

There is no trick to how Maine's absolute speed limits work: If the sign says the speed limit is 40 miles per hour and you drive faster than 40 miles per hour, you've violated the law.

Unless otherwise posted, Maine's absolute speed limits are:

  • 45 miles per hour on all public ways
  • 25 miles per hour in business or residential districts, and
  • 15 miles per hour when passing a school during recess or when students are going to or leaving school.

But, remember, a driver can still be in violation of the basic speed even if driving slower than the posted limit.

Penalties (Fines and Points) for a Speeding Ticket in Maine

For a violation of Maine's basic speeding law, the fine is $134. Fines for exceeding an absolute speed limit depend on the driver's speed. Generally, the following penalties apply:

  • 1 to 9 miles per hour over the limit. Fine of $114.
  • 10 to 14 miles per hour over the limit. Fine of $129.
  • 15 to 19 miles per hour over the limit. Fine of $170.
  • 20 to 24 miles per hour over the limit. Fine of $230.
  • 25 to 29 miles per hour over the limit. Fine of $278.
  • 30 miles per hour or more over the limit. Exceeding an absolute speed limit by 30 miles per hour or more is a class E crime. Violators face up to six months in jail, a maximum $1,000 in fines, and license suspension.

Typically, a speeding violation will add at least four demerit points to a motorist's driving record. Accumulating too many points can lead to license suspension.

Driving to Endanger (Reckless Driving) and Vehicular Homicide Charges in Maine

Depending on the circumstances, speeding could lead to a "driving to endanger" (also called "reckless driving") conviction. Maine defines driving to endanger as operating a vehicle, with "criminally negligence," in a way that endangered another person or property.

Also, a speeding violation that results in the death of another person can lead to vehicular homicide charges for the driver.

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